Bell Curve – Normal Distribution Graph

Lesson Summary:

The lesson introduces the children to the normal distribution graph, or the bell curve.  Standard deviation is not discussed as this concept is considered too complex for this grade level.  Care should be taken when doing the activity to ensure that children are not self conscious about the difference in heights.


  • The children will understand the concept of normal distribution of data.

Subject Area:


Lesson Excerpt:

The diagram above is called a bell curve.  A bell curve is a normal distribution curve.  A normal distribution of data means that most of the results will be close to average,  a few will be much more or much less.  The bell curve does not really measure anything, instead it represents a set of data, or information, where most of the figures are in the middle of the graph and a few are at either side. This means that the graph will be highest in the middle and lowest at the edges – forming the shape of a bell.

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